Driving the digital transformation of today’s industry requires to secure the transition towards better connected, collaborative, flexible and automated production techniques. One of the challenges here is to create trust across smart manufacturing value
chain, secure access to dynamic collaborative Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg) services. This forms a technical foundation to secure the collaborative exchange from the cloud down to the IoT Device for Human2Human, Human2Machine and Machine2Machine

Workshop Programmee: Friday November 6th, 2020 [9:00-12:00 CET]

Goal of this workshop is to discuss information security challenges between researchers and practitioners, including

  • Presentation of technologies currently developed in the project
  • SeCoIIA and beyond
  • Demo for fine-grained Cloud Access Control
  • Expert Sessions to discuss technical goals, challenges and solutions for the manufacturing domains in the project (aerospace, automotive, maritime), and beyond


matthias.hiller [AT] aisec.fraunhofer.de,

Registration is free but mandatory for logistic reasons.
